
Friday, April 1, 2011

we have no attention spans

 the sickening phony smug slimy pols of all colors, and their jock-sniffing media pals  like us this way.

the way the public has been reacting to any kind of news, like the full fledged irish banking disaster(which is still burning), spains coming economic problems, likewise portugal, our own insolvency.
the market is still climbing.  8 months ago this news would have set the market to plummeting.


spain, then, was the cornerstone of contagion.
now nobody cares.

we're bored; the news media are bored.
the reactor news gets worse every day, but we, and the media are tired of hearing about.

to our peril we choose to ignore it.

whatever and however bad the news, after 2 days we are bored with it, even war news.

is it so bad that we cant tolerate it any more?

your bank statement show that they paid you 48 cents on your hundred thou last year, and they are now going to throw some new big fees at you, to access YOUR money.

why aren't  more of us as eloquently indignant as this irishman?

dont  we care about anything other than the next reality show or that next new apple device?

it's going to take some real and sustained anger and revolution, if we are ever going to get out of this mess.

irishman  wanking bankers

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