
Saturday, December 18, 2010

the first texting

i am shutting off the land line phone tomorrow.
this thought set me to reflecting on this incrediblemiraculous age of communication....
the transmission of morse code, over poles like these and wires that were once here, began in 1844, and was common on these rail poles for near a hundred years.
now that communicating with one another is constant and ceaseless, and through a variety of media, do we REALLY have any thing to say?
one thinks, perhaps not.


Joerg said...

Wow, you are a trewly active blogger again.

Landlines. I get internet via landline. And cell phones - I once had one. Nobody called, I called nobody, so it went away again, years ago.

Communication may be ubiquitous, but as it seems, people still decide if they want to communicate or not. Unwanted silence around one is difficult to stand. And so, even silly chit-chat serves a purpose, keeping us socially connected to other people.

aloc103 said...

how wonderful, joerg, old friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your kindly wit and wisdom has been greatly missed.

somehow, one large part of me worships, even needs a very large measure of solitary icy silence, and the other large part needs to be an electronic magpie.


Joerg said...

Oh. I didn't expect such excitement for sure. :) I'd certainly like to see you around more, if you could find a topic to discuss or just babble about.

What do magpies symbolize in English? In German, they are said to steal glitzy things. I guess that wasn't what you meant? :D