
Thursday, February 25, 2010

millennial generation

this is a name generally applied to the first generation to enter the work force in the new millenium. sometimes they are called generation y.
right now, that's young people between ages 18 and 29.
that's 50 million young souls.

they are the most educated generation in the history of the u.s., and are also the most unemployed generation. 37% are out of the work force or unemployed. i find it fascinating that 37% of this generation is without employment, but i wonder why marketers target them so heavily. if they had dough, how valuable would they be?

generation x can be considered those now in their 30s.

it's great that they are spending all that money to become educated, and then they cant find a job. they cant off those student loans with bankruptcies, either.
have you noticed that 2 generations ago, it was a totally different world? this generation has a total lack of contact and understanding with that generation, where the average guy did everything. back in those days, it was a simpler time. most people did their own plumbing or wiring or washing machine repair, or somebody in the family did. they may not have been the greatest, but they got the job, whatever, done.

it was a different world. families were bigger and people had to learn how to get along with each other. in a house with 7 or 8 people and 1 bathroom, things had to be worked out. things were different, not worse or better.

people were dying of things easily survived now. most people now have their teeth, and live years longer.
ronald reagan had a view of an idyllic world that never existed. bad stuff, horrible stuff went on, and still does. people now have the world view, that's neither better or worse, just different. that seems odd to us oldsters.

the idea is to take what can be learned from previous generations। the concept that young people cant to anything is all bull। there's no comparisonbetween the skill set of 2 generations ago to this one(not even in the same class)। that doesnt make them bad, but just दिफ्फेरेंत of course, since computers and electronic devices werent around and most prior generations are like cave men with them।hopefully, each generation develops the skill sets that they need.

the millenial generation is the least religious generation in modern history. they try to be readers and thinkers rather than traditionalists.
they are very liberal and vote democratic, but will change as they age. 66% voted for obama. the millennials, at their age, vote more frequently than any previous.
they are more civic minded than before, and volunteer more, and are much more involved at a younger age.

if i was a young guy wanting to get a rich, i would find a painless way of getting rid of tattoos. there are going to a lot of ladies not wanting to wear a lowcut dress with a tattoo on their shoulder, and will spend anything they want to get rid of थेम-

41% only use a cellphone and have no landline. i think that's on the low end. about the tattoo business, 25 years ago all the tattooo artists got to work on were drunken sailors. now they get to work on all manner of succulent interesting body parts.
with cell phone technology improving by the minute, there is no reason to have a landline anymore. i've seen a device when, at home, you plug the cell in, it charges, and the signal becomes much stronger.

61% of millennials grew up in a 2 parent household, lower than previous generations.
just 21% of those 18 to 29 are currently married. that's half the percentage for their parents' generation. people are marrying later, or not at all. i'm thinking that थे 18 to 29ers saw the unsanctity of marriage as children, and dont want to make the same costly mistakes, and be back on the streets.

they may be getting out of college at 23 with no money, why would they possibly consider marriage?

older generations are more likely to have moral absolutes than the newbies.

nowdays, there is one's personal morality, and then there's the business morality. ideally, they sould be congruent.
intelligent people, now days, craft their moral views to whatever political stance they might be taking(e.g. abortion).
your neighbor walking his dog would never lie to you, but the next day in his business, he would. i'm not comfortable with that.

one problem for this generation is that this new generation is being, and will forever be, constantly watched, monitored, probed or scrutinized, especially at work. how many of us oldsters could have survived that stress or scrutiny? i would have been fired a dozen times.

the millennials are fine with me, except for that flexible morality(and not फॉर their general disdain of religion).


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder if technology is what's doing us all in. Seems the farther we have advanced the less jobs being created. Newer technology has been the demise of a lot of the old school ways and jobs.

Kind's are learning to operate computers by the first grade. I've heard stories of kids showing or teaching their parents how to use one. Years ago calculators eliminated the scratch pads. Now it's the laptops... Students can not function in today's classrooms without one.

When it comes to employment. The younger ones have the upper hand over us older guys. Employers don't want us older more experienced workers. When a job opens up they will be the ones selected first.

aloc103 said...

geting old is a drag.
we werent allowed calculators on tests, but were allowed slide rules.
trig tables were in the back of the books.
coming soon, the coming war between the generations.