(left click on photos for full size strip)
david kennard, the news-journal's newly appointed managing editor, is excited about the promise he sees in his newly adopted north central ohio area. kennard's extensive news background offers the area a refreshing perspective.
"each house that is torn down, each shovelful of rubble, renews this area, offering exciting promise.
seeing leaves still being collected, and another truck dutifully sitting behind it, in april, as i saw today, shows a city organization with efficiency rarely seen in local municipal government. mayor bleaker and i have had several frank, fruitful, forthright discusssions and i have learned much from him about local governmental efficiency and sound economic strategies."
"the constant, at times, frantic, razing of structures virtually guarantees mansfield, within 10 years, of having a wildlife game preserve-forest throughout much of the city in the general area north of park avenue west to route 30. nature takes her's back so quickly."
kennard, an avid outdoorsman, has ordered news-journal reporters to plant (and maintain) new saplings and victory gardens on the site of each fresh new demolition "before the dust has settled."
new virtual raises, based on the number of green stars(trees) on the wall and reporters' web hits, are prominent in editor dave's offices,, and a great noonday game and item of discussion topic throughout the temporary downtown newsroom's offices.
"a game preserve, kayaking center, and aviary; they already have plans," according to mayor bleaker.
"reviving the nearly moribund print edition was my idea, and a high priority, against corporate advice," the razor sharp, confident, quick witted kennard offered. "when readers find how much the online edition is going to cost, especially the ad-free edition, and that yearly lease on the obligatory gannett reader, "those newstand editions will sell out like blueberry pancakes."
"mansfield, through the first half of the 20th century, had 15 genuine industrial geniuses, with nary a one since. the future of this community and country lies in nurturing individual and corporate genius. short that, there is no future worthy of consideration. if the mansfield area doesnt garner a few major technical innovators of marketable goods or services (not political hacks fishing for grants) who maintain their local loyalty through the next several generations., this entire region will stagnate and will once again belong to nature," the personable, yet on topic, kennard opined.
the print journal is concentrating on targetting the under 45 demographic. kennard cited reruns of the virgil stanfield columns in the sunday print editions as among the most successful, yet unlikely, youth targetting efforts. a popular new online effort 'she is' lifestyle magazine has grown to 3375 weekly full color ad pages. news-journals are now being distributed free to all city and private school students(and kindergarten and head-starters). "that and decreasing the writing to second grade level, really helps the target demo," kennard chuckled.
his new 'open windows and drapes' style is the rave of the journal, afternoon staff 'roundtables' are leisurely, genial, and invariably stray off topic.
david kennard is a man of very few words, which isn’t to say he doesn’t lead. what a nice nice guy, with awesome news and people skills. with editor kennard, this area has dramatically increased potential.
pink floyd
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