
Monday, July 9, 2012

diesels get lonely, too

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ferdinand, this  30 something adult general motors diesel, now relegated to boring yard work in an area freight yard, never mind his 2200 + horsepower,  2000 gallon gas tanks, wide nose and strong body, lives virtually alone in the switching yard performing boring tasks that dont even cause a sweat.
his long exciting energetic 15  or 20 state runs with coal, steel, semis, cattle, vehicles, lumber and pancakes are now finished.
he isnt really needed any more.

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DIESEL has an impressive bag of tricks and engaging manner sure to impress any charming female rottsy.

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another sort of DIESEL, this outstanding 4 year old german rottweiler with a 32 generation lineage traceable to the motherland, where rotts were built like locomotives, and just as strong, lives a celibate life, dreaming of a lovely companion and fine puppies.

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diesels doting, proud master, james gordon, beams and rightly nearly bursts his buttons when showing off his DIESEL.

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