now on magnificent display, those beautiful cut rocks candle memories of some of my finest times and teachersduring my 2 junior high school period during the late 1950s at john simpson
the fascinating music instructor and eccentric, fannie lew eiler, science teacher-coach les pearce, al maccioli, violet chokreff, w.w. blauser, virginia allen(without doubt my finest teacher ever), miss. mcfadden(journalism), shop instructor v. lee pryor, chipmunk blantzett, and dozens of others....
those crappy noontime elson eddy, bowery boys, robin hood, movies and out auditorium hijinx got us kicked out a dozen r so times. we tried to drive those uppity female auditorium monitors batty.
we printed our own newspaper, the simpson times; i was the sports editor and did an hour and a half one on one interview with then supt. of schools robert wilson when a seventh grader.
summers some of us attended journalism workshops at ohio u.
those big smelly pencil erasors that were arched into the high overhead lights smoldered, and smelled for weeks ---- the condom water balloon fights with the girls .........
those mad noontime dashes downtown to coney island for 6 delicious coneys for a buck, or those burger and 5 cent ice cream comes at isaly.
most of us smoked across west 4th street. there were hundreds of youngsters taking over lawns, and really, the whole street, and having a grand time.
the old penny candy stories, doc coles, pools naborhood store and soda fountain--yes, i remember it well.
the reflective quality of old stone fences is something else.
of course, they will need to pad the lovely wall with sponsor ads to prevent serious injuries to our young athletes. .
Written by
Bryan Bullock
MANSFIELD -- The building used as a high school more than 80 years ago by Mansfield City Schools is scheduled to be demolished, but the sandstone walls that line the property and predate the structure will remain a visible part of the school.
Crews have moved the huge stones from the vacant John Simpson building, 219 W. Fourth St., to Arlin Field at West Fourth Street and North Trimble Road. Work was completed last weekend to use the stone to build an 82-foot-long wall behind the field goal post closest to Trimble Road.
Synthetic turf is being installed. School officials say the stone wall will complement other improvements at the field and preserve a piece of Mansfield history.
"This sandstone was part of the first high school (on that property), and we wanted to connect that tradition to Arlin Field," said Mansfield school board member Chris Elswick.
Mike Lyon, owner of Lyon and Sons Construction in Butler, said his crew started assembling the stone wall July 19 and put in long hours to get it done......
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