
Sunday, January 16, 2011

those who would save me

i learned long ago to disregard, even disparage folks who want to save me.
first, they disrespect my logic and mind.
i'm no genius, but i can tie my own shoe laces, groom myself, to this point, survive on my own, and balance a check book.

the president loves me and wants to save me; nancy pelosi, as well, loves me,and knows what's best for me.
if gasoline prices are at current levels or higher in the next 2 years, a revolt will bring them down.
how he can be, in this case, stupid----how his advisors can be so stupid as to not recognize what is going to happen troubles me.
there is more energy stored in the round than all the oil reserves in the ground, and it's far cheaper.
nancy pelosi in san francisco, flying in her $60,000 per week government jet airplane, gave 60 million working americans the finger when she stood up and said "i will not allow the congress to even consider developing our own resources to keep the price of gasoline down."
then nancy announced that she was 'saving the world' by punishing you working families and drivers to make you stop using gasoline.
how will the workers get to work and pay the taxes to fund all of these energy pipe dreams, and her salary, and their $60,000 a week jet airplane?
what is clouding the president and nancy's judgment?
there is a big lobby in the midwest that controls both parties for ethanol, the cornbelt states.
then there is the coal industry lobby.
then we have the department of energy, dedicated to focussing on what they call new research and alternative fuels. they will not discuss using our existing natural gas because they feel the cheaper energy will make people indifferent to future energy development.
they apparently don't understand, that if you ruin this country's economy, and throw more millions out of work due to high energy costs, they will have lost all of their research monies.
they aren't even bluffing or pretending that we have an interest in natural gas.
it seems that our government cares more about big wigs in foreign countries than you and me.

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